Electrical Installations
Application Requirements:
Wiring Diagram indicating the location of receptacles, lights, switches, and all other equipment to be installed. Include total numbers of each type of electrical device to be installed (i.e. individual receptacles, lights, switches etc).
Either a Homeowner of a single detached dwelling occupied as his/her principal residence or a Licenced Electrical Contractor may apply for a permit.
Completed Electrical application and Declared Value form.
Completed Homeowner Electrical Permit Declaration Form for homeowners wishing to do their own electrical installation.
All the above information must be submitted to the Zoning & Permits Office with your electrical permit application. Homeowner applicants must submit their applications in person. Your application visit will take less time if you complete the application, Declared Value and Homeowner Declaration forms in advance.
How to apply:
Please ensure you have gathered all required documentation before applying.
Apply online (Licenced Contractors only)

Guideline for Inspections and Audits
regularly inspects the electrical works carried out by Registered Electrical Contractors (RECs) in order to ensure that the installation and the REC, comply with National Rules for Electrical Installations and the Regulatory Arrangements
After registration with REC shall undergo two inspections, the first inspection shall be carried out in the first 6 months of registration. In the event the new REC passes the first inspection, he/she shall then be subject to an additional inspection within 6 months of the first inspection.
For the Application Inspection you need to present an electrical installation work. In case you are not able to present an electrical installation work for inspection within the given timeframe (6 months for the first application inspection and 6 months after the first inspection for the second application inspection) your application will be rejected. If the result of the application inspection is unsatisfactory
Routine Inspection
Every REC shall be inspected at least once annually. Inspectors generally select the installation for inspection from the certificates of the REC’s completed “Controlled Works” electrical installations.
If no electrical installation is available for inspection, periodic inspections or maintenance works can also be considered for inspection. If no work can be presented for inspection it may lead to suspension of the REC’s registration and ultimately to revocation of membership
Inspectors are selected on the basis of their competence, training, qualifications and experience in line with the requirements of the CRU Criteria Document.
Electricians on Thumbtack cost
Electrical inspections typically cost around $110 to $125 per session. However, the total cost will vary depending on a few factors, such as your home’s size. By requesting price quotes from electrical inspection services in your area, you can better determine the estimated cost.
Flat rates
Most electrical home inspectors quote a flat fee for performing an inspection rather than charging per hour. Many inspectors also issue official documentation that contains their findings for home inspections required by insurance or mortgage companies.
Cost factors
Your home’s (or building’s) size will play a big part in cost. Building size can increase the flat rate because it takes longer to inspect a larger building If you live outside the contractor’s service range, there may be an additional travel fee. Some companies charge a flat rate for travel and others charge a mileage fee, such as $1 per mile of travel outside the service radius.
What happens during an electrical inspection?
An electrical home inspection involves a thorough look at the electrical connections, installations and wiring in your home. Ultimately, the home inspector’s goal is to make sure everything is working correctly and that your electrical system complies with the code.
Inspectors operate under the National Electrical Code (NEC), which defines the requirements and standards that must be met in the U.S. for electrical systems. Every three years, the NEC is revised. And in 2020, updates involving service equipment supplying dwellings, GFCI protection and outdoor emergency disconnects were added.
Digital Electrical Inspection Checklists
What is an Electrical Inspection Checklist?
An electrical inspection checklist is an essential tool to determine if your workers and worksite conditions adhere to electrical compliance safety rules. Electrical equipment should undergo quality and safety checks before operating. Inadequate checks and poor training can lead to serious electrical injuries and fatalities.
What do Electrical Safety Checks Involve?
An electrical safety checklist accompanies a site walkthrough to identify and report on common electrical hazards. This involves checking if safety barriers and signs are in place, ensuring that tools and equipment are in pristine condition, and looking for exposed wiring that needs proper guarding mechanisms among others.
Reasons to Perform Electrical Inspections
An electrical inspection is performed by a qualified person who is trained and knowledgeable in the construction and operation of electrical systems. It helps to identify unsafe equipment, faulty installation, and unfollowed work practices
To Keep Electrical Hazards at Bay
OSHA recorded that electrocution is the most common hazard and one of the fatal 4 across the construction industry. Performing electrical inspections help prevent electrical hazards in the workplace and ensures a safe environment for all employees.
To Ensure Compliance with Regulatory Standards
Businesses need to comply with regulatory standards to prevent unnecessary incidents, lawsuits, and criminal investigations. Complying with OSHA’s electrical standards helps to protect employees from exposure to danger such as electric shock, electrocution, fires, and explosions.
Inspections ensure that construction and trades work:
Matches the work described under the permit
Complies with the relevant bylaws
Meets safety, accessibility, and green building goals
Get a special inspection
A special inspection is an inspection of all systems and structures (in all or in part) of an existing building to:
Assess general code compliance
Identify upgrading requirements, including any permits needed for the work
When you need a special inspection
A special inspection may be required or recommended by City staff depending on the details of your project. Common scenarios that may require a special inspection:
An existing occupancy classification is changing to allow for a new business or tenant
Significant work has occurred without permits
A building has been damaged by fire
To determine upgrading requirements for a child daycare or community care space
You must provide written authorization from the building owner or indicate that you have permission from the building owner to apply.
Fees will be based on the number of separate inspections required at your building. Some inspections may require the expertise of more than one inspection type. Types of inspections may include a building, electrical, and/or plumbing and gas inspection.